Imaging and Informatics Lab
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of Massachusetts Lowell
Active Grants
​Role: PI Source: NIH/NIBIB No. R01 EB032807
Total Budget: $3,134,120 Period: 05/01/2023-02/28/2027
Title: AI-based cardiac CT
Goal: The goal of this project is to apply deep learning to radically improve cardiac CT reconstruction by attaining significantly higher temporal resolution, lower radiation exposure, and better image quality on both modern and legacy CT hardware.
Role: PI Source: NIH/NIBIB No. R01 EB034737
Total Budget: $2,915,956 Period: 07/01/2023-04/30/2027
Title: Unsupervised Deep Photon-Counting Computed Tomography Reconstruction for Human Extremity Imaging
Goal: The goal of this project is to develop an Unsupervised Deep Learning Approach (UDLA) for few-view and low-dose image reconstruction, with much higher spatial resolution and computational efficiency, and without the requirement of ground- truth for training.
Role: PI Source: NIH/NCI No. CA264772
Total Budget: $436,096 Period: 09/16/2021-08/30/2024
Title: SPECT with a Compton Camera for Thyroid Cancer Imaging
Goal: The goal of this project is to design a high-efficiency and high-quality tomographic imaging system with a Compton camera dedicated to thyroid cancer imaging
Role Co-PI (PI: M. Gkikas), Source: Mass Life Sci. Ctr, No:240003
UML Budget $750,000 Period: 07/01/2020-06/30/2024
Title: Breast Cancer Detection Enpowered by Contrast Agents, Spectral CT, and Machine learning
Goal: The overall goal is to leverage advanced X-ray CT techniques empowered by novel targeting contrast agents and machine learning to achieve deep tissue cancer recognition at early stages.
Role Co-PI (PI: B. Zhang), Source: FDA No: 2021-67021-34456
UML Budget $476,488 Period: 06/15/2021-06/14/2024
Title: Machine Learning Enabled Detection of Pathogenic and Spoilage Microorganisms on Foods using Paper Chromogenic Arrays of Dye-Impregnated Porous Nanosilica
Goal: The hypothesis of the study is that the combination of PCA and CNN pattern recognition can be used in multiplex microbial identification, quantification, and determination of food spoilage status.
Role: PI Source: UMass President Office
Total Budget: $25,000 Period: 07/01/2017-12/31/2023
Title: Consortium for Research on Imaging and Informatics
Goal: The goal of this project is to foster inter-campus collaboration on imaging and informatics for fighting cancer in the UMass System.
Recent Completed Grants
Role: Subcontract PI (PI: DeMan) Source: NIH/NCI No: U01CA231860
UML Budget: $140,819 Period: 04/11/2019-03/31/2023
Title: Open-access x-ray and CT simulation toolkit for research in cancer imaging and dosimetry
Goal: The goal is to develop an open-access toolkit of x-ray and CT simulation for research in cancer imaging and dosimetry.
Role: PI Source: US Army CCDC No: S51310047977CF1
UML Budget: $246,869 Period: 09/25/2020-09/26/2022
Title: AI-enabled Nondestructive Surveillance of Foodborne Pathogen
Goal: The goal is to develop a paper-sensor based system for the surveillance of foodborne pathogen.
Role: Subcontract PI (PI: Pelc) Source: NIH/NIBIB No: U01EB017140
UML Budget: $478,710 Period: 09/17/2014-06/30/2020
Title: High dose efficiency CT system
Goal: The goal is to develop a CT system with much higher dose efficiency for general imaging applications than today's state of the art.
Role: Subcontract PI (PI: Kumar) Source: DOE ARPA-E No: DE-AR0000827
Total Budget: $167,108 Period: 06/23/2017-12/22/2019
Title: Low cost x-ray CT system for in-situ imaging of roots
Goal: The goal of this project is to develop low cost x-ray CT system for in-situ imaging of roots and UMass Lowell is responsible for image reconstruction part.
Role: PI Source: NSF/CBET No: 1540898
Total Budget: $403,830 Period: 06/01/2012-05/31/2019
Title: CAREER: Development and Application of CS-based Interior Tomography
Goal: The goal of this CAREER proposal is to advance the CS-based interior tomography theory and algorithms, and make a paradigm shift from traditional global filtered back-projection (FBP) to contemporary interior reconstruction.
Role: PI Source: NIH/NIBIB No: R21EB019074
Total Budget: $441,415 Period: 09/11/2015-06/30/2019
Title: Tensor-based dictionary for imaging biomarkers
Goal: The overall goal of this R21 project is to develop tensor-based dictionary learning method to extract features for classifications. The example application is the ultra-low-dose lung cancer screening.
Role: PI (Collaborative PI: Katsevich) Source: NSF/DMS No: 1619550
Total Budget: $86,692 Period: 07/15/2012-03/31/2017
Title: Collaborative Research: Mathematical Aspects of Interior Problem of Tomography
Goal: The objective of the proposed research is to assemble a team of pure and applied mathematicians as well as specialists in computations and tomography who will develop, implement, and test image reconstruction algorithms for solving the interior problem of transmission and emission tomography.
Role: Co-PI (PI: Wang) Source: NIH/NIBIB No: R01EB011785
Subcontract Budget: $327,061 Period: 02/01/2010-01/31/2015
Title: Cardiac CT: Advanced Architectures and Algorithms
Goal: The overall goal of this project is to develop novel cardiac CT architectures and the associated reconstruction algorithms, and define the next-generation cardiac CT system.
Role: PI Source: WFUHS Pilot Grant
Total Budget: $10,000 Period: 07/01/2014-06/30/2015
Title: Pilot study for learning based imaging bioinformatics
Goal: The goal of this project is to demonstrate the feasibility of dictionary learning based method for imaging bioinformatics.
Role: Co-PI Source: NSF/CBET No. 1348097
Total Budget: $8,000 Period: 04/01/2014-03/31/2015
Title: Support for US Young Investigators to attend IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, Beijing, China, April 28-May 2, 2014
Goal: The goal of project is support US young investigators to attend the IEEE ISBI’14 conference in Beijing, China, April 28-May 2, 2014.
Role: Subcontract PI (PI: Wang) Source: NSF/MRI No: 0923297
Subcontract Budget: $142,535 Period: 08/15/2009-08/14/2013
Title: Development of the next-generation nano-CT system for ROI-focused scanning and exact interior reconstruction
Goal: The goal is to develop the next-generation x-ray nano-CT system, which will permit faithful reconstruction of deeply embedded local details in 50nm resolution with a 10-fold lower radiation dose within a sample that is up to 10 times larger than what is currently possible.
Role: PI Source: WFIRM Seed Grant
Total Budget: $30,000 Period: 03/01/2011-12/31/2012
Title: True-color micro-CT characterization of liver vasculature for regenerative medicine
Goal: The goal of this project is to characterize the vascular network of the acellular liver scaffold using the cutting-edge true-color scanner, interior reconstruction theory and modern statistical methods.
Role: PI Source: TSI Pilot Grant
Total Budget: $5,000 Period: 09/01/2011-12/31/2011
Title: Pilot study for compressive sensing based low-dose CT
Goal: The goal of this project is to generate some supportive results of dictionary learning based method for ultra-low-dose lung cancer screening.
Role: PI Source: NIH/NIBIB No: R03EB007288
Total Budget: $157,792 Period: 09/01/2007-08/31/2010
Title: Data consistency based motion artifact reduction for head CT
Goal: The goal of this project is to develop effective CT methods for motion estimation based image reconstruction, improve the diagnostic performance, and enable new clinical applications.
Role: PI Source: NIH/NIBIB No: R43EB009275
Total Budget: $140,000 Period: 07/01/2009-12/31/2010
Title: Development of Methods and Software for Interior Tomography Applications
Goal: The overall goal of this project is to develop software for interior tomography in terms of analytic and iterative algorithms.
Role: Co-PI (PI: Wang) Source: NIH/NIBIB No: R01EB002667
Total Budget: $1,408,525 Period: 09/30/2003-07/31/2010
Title: Cone-Beam Methods for Dynamic Volumetric X-Ray CT
Goal: The overall goal of this project is to develop and optimize analytic cone-beam algorithms with an emphasis on high temporal resolution and short scan range, and directly applicable to major applications such as cardiac imaging, CT fluoroscopy, perfusion studies, CT angiography, oncologic imaging, small animal imaging, as well as PET and SPECT.
Role: Co-PI (PI: Wang) Source: NIH/NCRR No: S10RR025667
Total Budget: $500,000 Period: 12/15/2008-12/14/2009
Title: Acquisition of a 500nm resolution nano-CT scanner
Goal: The overall goal of this project is to acquire a state-of-the-art 500nm CT system for a large group of NIH/NSF funded major users on the Virginia Tech and Wake Forest Campuses to enable or accelerate their research efforts in various biomedical areas.
Role: Investigator (PI: Wang) Source: NIH/NIBIB No: R21/R33EB004287
Total Budget: $1,404,387 Period: 04/01/2003-12/31/2009
Title: Bolus chasing CT angiography using adaptive control techniques
Goal: The overall goal of this project is to develop an adaptive and robust bolus-chasing methodology for multislice/cone-beam spiral CTA in a wide class of diagnostic applications.
Role: Co-PI (PI: Ni) Source: NIH/NIBIB No: R21EB006412
Total Budget: $221,250 Period: 05/01/2006-04/30/2008
Title: Large-scale parallel implementation of Katsevich algorithm for 3D CBCT image reconstruction
Goal: The overall goal of this project is to develop a specific parallel algorithm for 3-D CT/micro-CT medical image reconstruction on large scale heterogeneous systems.
Role: Co-PI (PI: Wang) Source: Toshiba Company
Total Budget: $140,000 Period: 11/01/2008-12/31/2009
Title: Development and evaluation of innovative biomedical imaging techniques
Goal: The overall goal of this project is to evaluate the application feasibility to Toshiba of our state-of-the-art technology.